High Pressure Hydraulic buffer kit


High Pressure hydraulic buffer kit includes:

Kynshot AR10, carbine buffer, 5004HP High Pressure hydraulic buffer designed and tested by Specialized Dynamics, this buffer allows your bolt carrier to stay locked up that extra millisecond that is needed to ensure proper functionality of your rifle.

Also included is the Springco heavy spring for the AR10 carbine buffer.

Available on backorder



High Pressure Hydraulic buffer kit:  For carbine length buffer tubes only!

Includes the Kynshot HP hydraulic buffer and Springco heavy AR10 carbine buffer spring.

This kit is designed for use with suppressors and high pressured AR10 cartridges.

The Kynshot 5004HP was designed for Specialized Dynamics to keep your bolt carrier locked up longer to allow the proper function of the higher pressured AR10 cartridges.


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